NSCC Waterfront Campus

Nova Scotia Community College
2007 (Phase 1); 2010 (Phase 2)
Phase 1 of NSCC’s new metro campus, a five-storey 260,000 square foot complex on the Dartmouth waterfront, was completed in 2007 and is open and in use. Incorporating many ‘green’ design practices, the building is widely recognized for its sustainability and beautiful use of light and open space. In fact, NSCC is working toward LEED designation (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) for its latest showcase campus—yet another highlight in BMR’s portfolio.
Phase 2 is the Centre for the Built Environment, a linked building designed with a minimal ecological footprint. The CBE will host more than a dozen programs in the School of Trades and Technology, and its numerous features demonstrate NSCC’s smarter, greener approach toward renewable energy: a Geothermal system for cooling and heating, natural ventilation, solar wall cladding, interior ‘biowalls’ lined with plants, and potential for rooftop photovoltaic (solar) panels. Designed as a living ‘test bed,’ the CBE will not only serve as a focal point for NSCC students, but also as a real-life example of ‘education in action.’
Key Points
- Beautifully combines architectural strength with environmental advantages
- Actual construction of CBE is being left exposed to serve as teaching aids
- Strain gauges are being built into the structure to allow students to examine real-life stresses and strains as the loading conditions on the building vary
- Phase 1 recieved LEED Silver certification and in 2012 Phase 2 recieved LEED Gold certification. LEED Certified (distinguishing building projects that have demonstrated a commitment to sustainability by meeting the highest performance standards)